Aqua Aura can be placed anywhere on the body during a therapy and will bring ideas and information to mind ~ either for the therapist or the client, as to why energy or illness might be located in a specific area. We can all communicate, but whether it is in a way other people hear our truth or in a way that is kind, compassionate and positive is a different matter. It aids communication in a way that is different to most other ‘communication’ crystals in that it promotes positive, empowering communication. It facilitates honesty, clarity of the mind and the speaking of our truth. Aqua Aura brings connection to our Higher Self. It shimmers and sparkles in a beautiful Aqua blue colour. Aqua Aura is quartz that has been bonded with 24ct Gold.

I list below the premium, original or high end Aura Quartzes that I have worked with personally and know to be absolutely pure and highly vibrational:Īqua Aura: the most commonly sourced Aura Quartz. The last batch I received from his collections was out of this world. It’s such a shame as he was experimenting with the highest quality, unusual pieces of quartz and trying to achieve a rainbow flash on all of them. The rarer forms of Aura Quartz such as Apple, Flame, Universal, Transformation and Champagne Aura will no longer be created unless someone else takes up the baton of experimentation. Sadly, he took the formula for the rare Auras with him! He only passed the formula on when the Auras went into large production such as Aqua, Angel/Opal, Rainbow and Sunshine Aura. We recently found out that the original creator of Aura Quartzes has passed away. The Aura treatment isn’t just limited to Quartz either, there have been pieces of Danburite and Topaz that have received the same vacuum metalising treatment (Mystic Topaz for example is Clear Topaz bonded with Titanium), but it is very rare for Aura crystals to be anything, but Quartz. However, if you are drawn to one of the newer, brighter pieces, then by all means follow your own intuition as crystals often choose us, so we should honour that 🙂 They are also treating plain glass and calling it Aura Quartz, so only buy from reputable suppliers. India & China are also trying to produce Aura Quartz, given its popularity, but they are using the inferior or cheaper metals and therefore, aren’t creating the best Aura Quartz to work with energetically. There is only one quality and reputable creator of Aura Quartz in the world in Washington, USA. I have found the vibration of these newer Aura’s to be quite dull. These are inferior Aura Quartzes where the makers have been experimenting with lesser metals or a cheaper mix of metals, using copper or nickel, which produces quite a thin layer of bright, brash, garish colour. Now there are a LOT of new Aura Quartzes on the market that are really bright, quite gaudy colours.

I have found negative energies simply dissolve when working with any of the Aura Quartzes ~ they stay focused firmly on the positive 🙂Įach different coloured Aura Quartz has a different purpose. Quartz amplifies and expands the energy around it, whilst metals tend to banish or clear any negative energies when they are combined with quartz. Together, they create a vibrational frequency that isn’t available in nature ~ and this frequency is beautiful! Its a high vibration and a stimulating one. It brings together the vibration of quartz and metal. Now usually, I don’t particularly like crystals that have been ‘messed with’ by man, but Aura Quartz is special. The only way of removing it would be to smash the top layer off the crystal. This bonding cannot be removed, nor does it peel off (as silver plating might). This settles onto the quartz and a bonding process takes place, permanently bonding the microns to the quartz. The quartz is placed in a vacuum chamber, the air is then removed and microns (tiny particles) of a pure precious metal, or sometimes a mixture of precious metals, is puffed into the vacuum chamber. This process is called vacuum metalising and is actually an industrial process used to bond aluminium to the inside of headlights on vehicles. There are so many different types of Aura Quartz crystal and each have their own special way of working.Īura Quartz is quartz that has been bonded with the microns (or atoms) of precious metals.