
The blind prophet in oedipus
The blind prophet in oedipus

the blind prophet in oedipus

In Homer's Odyssey, King Odysseus of Ithaca descended into the Underworld to seek the prophet's advice, using blood from a sacrificed animal to summon Tiresias's ghost. Kreon's son and Antigone's fiance, Haemon, and Kreon's wife Eurydice killed themselves as a result, fulfilling the gods' curse on him.

#The blind prophet in oedipus free

Kreon immediately buried Polynices but was too late to free Antigone, who had hanged herself in the cave. He instructed Kreon to bury Polynices and release Antigone, or the gods would take away those that he loved the most and curse him for the rest of his life. Tiresias immediately went to Kreon and informed him that the gods were furious with his decrees, as the dead must be given proper funeral rites. Kreon decided to uphold the death penalty and had Antigone buried alive in a cave with a minor amount of food. Kreon had it exhumed and Antigone was caught trying to bury her brother again.

the blind prophet in oedipus

Horrified, Polynices's sister Antigone buried the body secretly. Kreon ordered a splendid funeral for Etiocles, but decreed that Polynices and the rebels must be left outside the city to rot, on penalty of death to any who did not obey this order. As Oedipus predicted, the brothers slay one another in battle. Despite an arrangement that Etiocles and Polynices will share the throne of Thebes when they become adults, once Etiocles had the throne he refused to hand over his power, prompting Polynices to rebel and declare war on the city. After their father was gone, Oedipus's brother-in-law Kreon became king and raised the two boys. Prior to exile, for their disobedience Oedipus cursed his sons, Etiocles and Polynices, prophesying that they would one day kill one another. Tiresias made another appearance in the play Antigone, a continuation of the Oedipus myth. Devastated, Oedipus brutally blinded himself with pins and was exiled from Thebes to lift the plague. Worse, Oedipus also unknowingly married and had children by his own birthmother: Laius's widow, Queen Jocasta. The king eventually discovered that not only was Tiresias correct in telling him that he killed Laius, but Laius was his real father. These words stunned Oedipus, as he never knew his real parents, and the investigation shifts focus into finding out whose child the young king really was.

the blind prophet in oedipus

However, as he left Tiresias commented that Oedipus's parents thought him "sensible enough". The young king ridiculed Tiresias and had him sent away. This angered Oedipus, who accused the prophet of having something to do with Laius's death, to which Tiresias finally burst out that Oedipus himself, though unaware of it, was Laius's murderer. Oedipus turned to Tiresias for help in finding the killer, but Tiresias was reluctant to speak. Due to the murderer never having been brought to justice, at the onset of the play, Thebes was cursed by the gods with devastating plague and famine. The protagonist, a young king of Thebes named Oedipus, was charged by the gods to avenge the murder of his predecessor, King Laius. Perhaps the most famous myth concerning Tiresias and his gift in prophecy was Sophocles's play, Oedipus Rex. Striking again caused Tiresias to revert back to being male, and it was with this gender that he lived out the rest of his days. She lived life as a wife and mother for a time before finding another pair of mating serpents. By striking them with a stick, Tiresias was magically changed into a woman. One myth referenced by the game described his encounter with a pair of mating snakes. As compensation, he was given the gift of prophecy. He was originally born sighted but lost the use of his eyes after being blinded by either the goddess Athena (for seeing her naked by accident), or by the queen of the gods, Hera (after he sided with Zeus against her in an argument). The blind prophet of Thebes, Tiresias was the son of the nymph Callirrhoe, and was the high priest of Apollo.

the blind prophet in oedipus

He changed himself from a man to woman, indulging in the pleasures of both." "The blind prophet of Thebes, judged to the eighth circle of Fraud.

The blind prophet in oedipus