Input will automatically detect version and parse accordingly. You will set the version property of the ChemDoodle.io.MOLInterpreter class to true to output v3000 instead of v2000. Added MOL v3000 support, with enhanced stereochemistry support.The sketcher's isotope popover now displays over the atom you are editing instead of from the top of the sketcher.Added a class () for defining a reaction and separating molecules into reactants and products based on an arrow object.Please see the sketcher demo for more information. Enhanced stereochmistry definitions are read and written from ChemDoodle JSON and MDL CT files (v3000 only). You may manually define group numbers for more advanced stereochemistry queries. All stereocenters are absolute ( abs) by default. You may now define enhanced stereochemistry for chemical structures, using or and & modifiers. New demos include chemical image recovery, ADA and WCAG compliance, stoichiometry tables, and Wiswesser Line Notation parsing.

Included are the ability to define and input/output enhanced stereochemistry definitions as well as MOL v3000 support.
Chemdoodle isotopes update#
Version 9.3 is a feature update to the ChemDoodle Web Components library. See the Stoichiometry Table tutorial page for more information. This component is not based, but works just like other ChemDoodle Web Components. Version 9.4 incorporates a new component, the StoichiometryTable, for a fully chemically aware and self-calculating stoichiometry form in HTML5 interfaces.